Over the last three months, needy monks and nuns, totalling 2,084, were given free medical treatments at Pyinmana Sangha Hospital, according to the medical superintendent Dr Than Min Htut.
According to monthly statistics, the hospital provided free medical services for monks and nuns, 584 in April, 713 in May and 787 in June.
“The profit alone that the hospital received from giving medical treatments to in-patient laypeople isn’t sufficient to cover the expense of free medical treatment for more than 700 monks a month. But we need to cure laypeople by charge so that we are able to cure monks free of charge,” he wrote on his Facebook page.
The hospital provides surgery, X-ray, ultrasound, 3D echo, blood test, stroke rehabilitation, medical treatment for out-patients and in-patients, Caesarean, oesophagal manometry, ear, nose and throat exam, eye surgery and kidney dialysis.
With receipts from this business, it provides free medical services for monks and nuns, but monthly donations worth at least K35 million are necessary, he said.
As a New Year donation, 154 donors across the country contributed more than K26 million on Myanmar New Year Day in April, and donors are also welcome to this early Waso as the hospital needs medical funding for monks and nuns, he urged. — MT/ZS/ED