As a good follower will be an outstanding leader, systematic training must be given to trainees to become good followers. Trainers need to focus on giving training to trainees to have qualified ones rather than the quantities. As the military discipline is the backbone of the Tatmadaw, it is necessary to emphasize training for trainees to have good morals and discipline, said Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing in meeting with commandants, senior instructor officers, senior officer lecturers and teachers from the Defence Services Medical Academy, the Defence Services Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Science and the Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School (Hmawby) at the Convocation Hall of the DSMA in Mingaladon Station of Yangon Region yesterday afternoon.
First, Military Appointment-General Lt-Gen Lin Aung and Armed Forces Training-General Lt-Gen Zaw Myo Tin reported on turning out of officers and lecturing of literature from DSMA, DSINPS and Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School (Hmawby) from 1999 to 2021 and current duty assignments.
In his speech related to the training session, the Senior General said the training is of importance in the Tatmadaw. Dynamic capability needs inclusive of the military, organizational and administrative capabilities. It is necessary to combine the knowledge and skills in addition to critical thinking. The Defence Services Academy, the Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School (Bahtoo) and the Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School (Hmawby) are directly turning out the military leaders endowed with skills in respective subjects. Training depots also give military training as well as school education to the trainees. Defence services academies emphasize the full-time training system for respective subjects. In so doing, trainees need to rote some lessons and study others.
As the tough training will save lives, it is necessary to systematically give training to the cadets to become skilful future leaders on whom the Tatmadaw can rely. They have actual skills in respective subjects at different levels and apply them in the practical fields. Training must be given in the correct ways and they all need special care of all things.
As the tough training will save lives, it is necessary to systematically give training to the cadets to become skilful future leaders on whom the Tatmadaw can rely. They have actual skills in respective subjects at different levels and apply them in the practical fields. Training must be given in the correct ways and they all need special care of all things.
In training measures, priority must be given to the qualification of the trainees rather than quantities. As the ratio of trainees to the instructors has been adjusted, they need to turn out the qualified ones. Trainees must control themselves at different levels through the guardian system to have better morals and discipline.
Concerning the political changes in Myanmar, the Senior General said that Myanmar walked along the route of multiparty democracy in accord with the Constitution (2008) in 2011 in line with the aspiration of the people. Nobody turns a blind eye to the Constitution approved by eligible voter people with 92.4 per cent. The Tatmadaw cooperated with the government in serving its assigned duty in line with the law in the terms of 2011 and 2015 democratic governments. As it was found that the tasks of the ruling party were not in line with the law as of 2018, the Senior General, himself urged them to follow the disciplines and fairness in the democracy many times. But it was known that advance voting in the election was not in line with the law, and voter lists were wrong in the election according to information from some persons and political parties. In scrutinizing the voter lists, wrongdoings were found. So, the Senior General himself urged officials of the government and the Union Election Commission to solve the problems of wrong voter lists many times. The Tatmadaw held coordination with officials many times but they did not address it. Hence, the State responsibilities were taken with the declaration of the emergency of State in accord with the Constitution (2008).
The Tatmadaw formed the State Administration Council in its serving the duties and appointed Union Ministers. Then, the five-point road map and nine objectives were adopted for the development of the State. The purpose and current works of the government lead to the prosperity and food sufficiency of the State. Experienced and qualified civilians were appointed as Union Ministers. Although the Tatmadaw took the State responsibilities under the emergency situation, its governance goes forwards under the democracy. Hence, the Tatmadaw is taking peaceful and stable measures to minimize the least casualties. The government is striving to hold free and fair elections. It is necessary to avoid the wrong voter lists as much as possible, take care of losing the voting chances of the people and prevent the malpractice of voting. As issuance of citizenship scrutiny cards is being undertaken for all eligible voters but it hits just 25 per cent completion. So, the entire people need to cooperate in the issuance of CSC.
In realizing democracy, some organizations commit terror acts. In analyzing the organizations related to the armed conflicts in Myanmar, some ethnic groups held arms due to different attitudes in political affairs, ethnic affairs and doctrines from the post-independence era to the period before 2011. Some of them became the signatories of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in 2015, participating in the dialogues in the peace process. After the democratization process in 2011, some ethnic organizations held arms turning a blind eye to democracy. Some terrorists emerged due to voting frauds in the 2020 multiparty democracy general election in 2020. The Tatmadaw does not have any reason to hold talks with these terrorist groups. The Tatmadaw tried to meet with political parties representing the people but they failed to meet with the Tatmadaw. Political parties represent their supporter people in groups but do not represent them personally. As political parties are political organizations representing the people, arrangements are being made to meet with them. A plan is underway to take action against some persons without turning a blind eye to democracy. No man is above the law. If one is not in line with the law, action will be taken against them. Depending on the peace and stability of the country, the Tatmadaw is striving for holding the multiparty democracy general election in August 2023 as much as possible. — MNA