Bamboo growers to collaborate on quality and packaging

photo 2024 08 09 16 29 06
Bamboo expert U Kyaw Win and some of his bamboo artworks.

Players among bamboo and bamboo shoot growers will organize a team to cooperate in improving business operations and the quality and packaging of bamboo shoots and bamboo handicrafts, according to U Kyaw Win, a bamboo expert.
The Department of Small-Scale Industries under the Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Development will form a bamboo and bamboo shoot producers’ organization, enabling direct market access without intermediate traders.
“The main thing is bamboo shoots and bamboo handicrafts. In the past, all of us kept technology a secret, and each of us tried to be better than the others. With an organization, we can share the technology. One can supply raw materials to those who need it. Those who don’t have bamboo to sell would buy from those who have remaining stocks. It will create a system to run the business. Our group and the Department of Small-Scale Industries under the Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Development will form an organization of bamboo shoots and bamboo producers. It will be a business that collects all registered businesses,” he said. With an organization, they can access the market directly without intermediaries, and there is a possibility of new products, he added.
“The reason for forming an organization is rooted in the scheme “One Region, One Product”. Since it aims at regional products, a bamboo shoot product in Nay Pyi Taw is to be made by all bamboo shoot businesses in Nay Pyi Taw. They do a collective business together. If they want to export dried bamboo shoots, they can work together. The same holds for pickled bamboo shoots. The group will improve the quality and packaging. And we will connect directly with the market without any intermediary,” he said. — MT/ZN/Ed

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