Bandula Transport Service to change bus fares from 1 October

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A fleet of YBS buses under the Bandula Transport Service.

The fares of all the buses under the Bandula Transport Service will be changed on 1 October, according to the service.
Buses under Bandula Transport Service are YBS 12, YBS 13, YBS 14, YBS 25, YBS 30, YBS 38, YBS 55, YBS 117 and YBS 128.
The bus fares will be K200 for the trip from the corner of North Dagon to the South Okkalapa post office on the YBS 12 bus line, and K300 for the start-to-finish of the trip. A total of K200 will be deducted from the YPS card for the trip spanning 22 bus stops and the fare for the entire trip will be K280.
Similarly, the fares of the YBS 13 bus line will be K200 constant. If the fare is paid by using a YPS card, it will be K140 for 17 stops and K180 for more than 17 stops.
On the YBS 14 bus line, the fare will be K200 for half of the trip and if the fare is paid by using the card, it will be K140 for the stretch of 24 bus stops and K180 for the whole ride.
Also, for YBS 25, YBS 30, YBS 38, YBS 55, YBS 117, and YBS 128 bus lines, the fares for the half trip and the whole trip will be changed, it is learnt.
In Yangon, more than 3,200 vehicles of 116 bus lines are commuting for 1.3 million people.
More than 50,000 passengers are using the YPS card system and the charges depend on the number of stops. — TWA/GNLM

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