Bring happiness to society in the best ways


Many ways of seeking happiness for the people can be revealed in society. It is no need to search for happiness elsewhere. In fact, these ways are very simple but the people have poor eyesight to look for the happiness of their lives.
Firstly, everybody does not accept to keep their minds under the detention of hatred. Don’t hate anyone for any reason because such moves will lead to evil deeds. Even though the thoughts of hatred enter your soul, immediately drive them out. Logically, if you admit penetration of the hate thoughts into your minds, you automatically lose to others. If so, you will be victims of the hate thoughts the whole day.
You should do not bring the hatred of yesterday to today. All your days must be fresh and new without any hatred. Compassion must be dispersed to all every day. So, you must stay away from the hatred. It will be best that you must try hard to give compassion to the persons you hate. Otherwise, you should ignore them and their moves which spark hate thoughts.

Extreme moves are like the edges of all things. Indeed, you should always take care of balancing your mind and your wish. Totally, if you can control your minds, you can thumb up for your victories filled with happiness.

Moreover, you should remove the worriers which are yet to happen from your thoughts. The Fortune has arranged plots for all in the world. Such plots cannot be amended. In fact, all the persons need to expect the best one and prepare for the worst one. They hold the concept that whatever it may be, they will face any challenges. If so, they can always enjoy happiness all day.
You need to simply live and struggle for ensuring safe living. If you have actually a happy mind, you don’t compare your lives with others. You must try to be satisfied with your lives. You have to change your mindset to be delighted at the good deeds of others and to sympathize with others for their difficulties.
You should control your mind for expectations that may bring stress to you. You don’t pack the overloaded burden of keenness to help others. Extreme moves are like the edges of all things. Indeed, you should always take care of balancing your mind and your wish. Totally, if you can control your minds, you can thumb up for your victories filled with happiness.

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