Respective officials have cleaned the ancient buildings of the old city of Inwa, including a historic Manaung Gate, said archaeologist and writer Bo Shake (Yadanapura).
“The city of Inwa was founded by King Thadominbya in 726 ME on Tuesday, the 6th waxing of Tabaung. He entered the town through the location which was slated to build Manaung Gate when he came to tour the town. That is why the gate is called Manaung and Tagaung Market Gate. At present, the archaeological department has cleaned Manaung Gate by the Ayeyawady River. It is also called Tagaung Market Gate. It is a royal passage that King Thadominbya used for the first time. Cleaning is done in rotation around the city,” he said.
In addition to gates, cleaning has also been carried out in city walls and pagodas. “Inwa deserves much more conservation work. But it has been forgotten for ages. Inwa is the central sovereignty of Myanmar after the Bagan era ended. As a researcher, I want monuments to be built at the gates of Inwa. There are about 23 gates in Inwa. Direction signs should be provided at places such as the parliamenttary building. Cleaning and necessary conservation works should be provided, too,” he said. — MT/ZS/ED