Despite low production, banana trade increases

photo 2024 08 07 15 01 34 2
Banana branches produced from Toungoo.

It is the period that banana production has been low, however the trading has increased.

In monsoon season, banana trees require a lot of cares, as a result, the yield is low. However, the trading is doing well now, according to Toungoo banana market.

“It is the period that fruits have been scarce. Because farmers are struggling in giving cares for trees. Despite the low fruit production, the trading is doing well,” said a banana farmer from Toungoo Township.

Bananas available in the market are produced from banana trees left from last year’s plantation. At present, insufficient fruit production has led the price getting much higher, said farmers.

“Fruit production will be abundant when monsoon ends and the trading will be active more. Now, there is production but just a few. These are leftover trees in last year and they yield fruits now after receiving cares,” said a banana farmer from Toungoo.

Thit Taw/ZS

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