As the infection of COVID-19 is down in the country now, higher education institutions are preparing to reopen after basic education schools have already been reopened. As part of sharing educational legacy to new generations, it is encourageable for the country to see the ceremonies to mark the fresher welcome and refresher courses to new generations of faculty members at universities and degree colleges as well as teachers from basic education.
This year’s political changes caused vacancies in the education sector. Hence, the government recruited new generations of faculty members and basic education teachers in the vacant posts. Teachers are paralleled with the position of parents in the Myanmar tradition because of teaching pupils with goodwill, hobby and sympathy for improvement of educational knowledge at the students.
Some unscrupulous persons commit bombing attacks on school buildings, students and teachers without any reason. Their attacks left innocent schoolchildren and teachers injured as well as buildings damaged. As such, the government is focusing on protecting teachers and students against dangers.
The government appreciates the concerted efforts of teachers, who understand two virtues in the Pali language, Hiri — shame at doing evil —and Ottappa—fear of the results of doing evil —for teaching the new generations of the country amid such difficulties and challenges.
The teachers teach their pupils based on their goodwill like their offspring and conscientiously serve a teacher’s duties. They must train their students in the best discipline. They see that they grasp their lessons well. They instruct them in the arts and sciences, they provide them for their safety in every corner, and they introduce them to their friends and associates.
The people and the government heartily praise the teachers honoured as part of the Five Infinite Venerability for their efforts to turn out the human resources with noble goodwill.
Teachers sustain their noble spirit in conformity with the attributes of teachers in nurturing the students amid various difficulties, coercions and disturbances to become outstanding educated youths and new blood for the State in the future.
As such, it is necessary to build a secure and safe environment for students and teachers to be free from dangers in order to peacefully take academic measures in the future not to link out the process of turning out the educated persons across the nation.
As such, it is necessary to build a secure and safe environment for students and teachers to be free from dangers in order to peacefully take academic measures in the future not to link out the process of turning out the educated persons across the nation.