Fake news was distributed on the social media page of Myaylat Athan Media that an 18-year-old youth was arrested by security forces while crossing in front of the Taungtha Township General Administration Office at around 1 pm on 28 November. He was ransomed with money because he was forced to join the military. A suspicious man was walking in front of the general administration office of Taungtha Township, and the security forces conducted security checks at noon on 28 November, according to an administrative official from Mandalay Region. According to the inspection findings, he was drinking too much alcohol, was unable to answer questions, and did not have a citizenship scrutiny card. One bundle of clothes and K1,000 of cash were found with him. Later, the young man’s mother arrived and took him back, saying that he was not ransomed with money. Therefore, when the terrorist insurgents are carrying out acts of attack and destruction, the malicious media is continuously broadcasting incitement and false information, and they are spreading fake news to the people to create a false impression on the security forces who are protecting the lives of the people and the state. — MNA/KZL
False reports circulate in Taungtha: Allegations of forced recruitment and ransom of young man
- December 01, 2023
- 279