The Department of Rural Road Development has expended more than K16,000 million of Union and Region budgets in the 2020-2021FY to implement 71 road constructions and 58 bridges in the Myeik district of Taninthayi Region.
According to the department, the Myeik District Rural Road Development Department spent more than 1,300 million Union budget and more than 15,000 million region budget on 71 roads and 58 bridges construction projects in 2020-2021FY.
The road paving operations are being carried out in each township of Myeik District under the supervision of Assistant Director U Thura of the Rural Road Development Department. Currently, 70 per cent of operations are completed.
The government implements the construction of 24 roads and 11 bridges in Myeik Township while 11 roads and 26 bridges are under construction in Kyunsu Township, 14 roads and 13 bridges in Pulaw Township and 22 roads and eight bridges in Taninthayi Township. – Khine Htoo (Myeik/IPRD)/GNLM