MoHT, YRAC, MTF discuss revitalizing hotels and tourism sector

The MoHT Minister, YRAC chairman and MTF are discussing tourism revival on 19 March 2021.

Union Minister for Hotels and Tourism U Maung Maung Ohn met Chairman of the Yangon Region Administration Council U Hla Soe. They discussed revitalizing tourism in Yangon Region yesterday afternoon.

During the meeting, they discussed the reopening of hotels and tourism businesses in the region, scrutinizing business licences, COVID-19 vaccination to hotel staff, and tour guides who will contact tourists, reopening restaurants, and promote tourism.
Afterwards, the Union Minister inspected Inya Lake Hotel, which is opened according to the COVID-19 rules and regulations and met the Myanmar Tourism Federation’s chairmen and its affiliated associations.
During the meeting, he said travel restrictions have eased and resumed hotel and motel business and bus stations so that people can get out of the overwhelming COVID-19 period and travel happily to states and regions.
He added the need to comply with the Ministry of Health and Sports’ rules and regulations in opening hotels and inspection from the ministry would inspect the safety of guests staying at the hotels; the need to extensively conduct the public awareness on the resumption of domestic tourism. He continued the relevant region/state administration council will absolutely help the entrepreneurs for tourism promotion and the COVID-19 vaccinations to the hotel staff and tour guides.
He called on the Myanmar Tourism Federation and its affiliated associations to cooperate with the relevant sectors in the process of redeveloping the hotels and tourism industry and urged them to discuss the real situation they are facing so that the ministry can take necessary actions.
Afterwards, the Director-General from the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Maung Maung Kyaw discussed necessary cooperation to revitalize tourism, repay the COVID-19 loan and further loan assistance, and reform travel tourism committees.
The attended chairmen and responsible persons discussed the suspension of loan by the State; COVID-19 vaccinations to the people in the tourism sector; availability of nominees for membership in the committees of associations; permission for cross-border tourism, resumption of hotels and tourism business as soon as possible; certification of local pilgrimage in all regions and states and destination management and the Union Minister coordinated the meeting.—MNA

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