Myanmar Rice Federation set a reasonable market price for Shwebo Pawsan at K95000 per bag for December and MRF and affiliated associations, wholesalers, exporters and rice companies will have to follow this regulation.
Reasonable market prices per a rice bag of 108 lb or 24 pyi for December include K 60000 to K 62000 for 25 percent Aemahta, K 62000 to K 64000 for 15 percent Aemahta, and K 64000 to K 68000 for 10-5 percent Aemahta.
Similarly, K 68000 to K 72000 is fixed for 10-5 percent special Aemahta varieties like 90-day, Phakhan and Anyarthar, K 90000 to K 95000 for 10-5 percent Ayeyarmin and Ayeyar Padaythar, K 80000 to K 90000 for 10-5 percent Ayeyarwady Pawsan, and K 90000 to K 95000 for 10-5 percent Shwebo Pawsan.
Based on an assessment of this year’s prices, international prices and prices of other commodities in the local market, MRF calculated these rates in order to ensure a reasonable price for farmers, rice millers, logistic firms and consumers.
In the local rice market, there can be a price difference of 5 to 10 percent in typical trade and 10 to 20 percent in modern trade such as supermarkets and minimarts where rice is sold in consumer packaging, it said.
If there is any difficulty to buy, people can contact MRF headquarters and commodity wholesalers. MT/ZS