Myanmar delegation seeks information on Aadhaar & MOSIP systems in India

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Union Minister for Immigration and Population U Myint Kyaing and delegates convene the meeting with Professor Debabrata Das and officials from the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT-B) in Electronic City, Bangalore, on 28 July 2023.

Myanmar’s Union Minister for Immigration and Population U Myint Kyaing, along with a delegation, paid a visit to the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) Technology Centre in Bangalore, India on 28 July.
Deputy Director-General Ms Tanusree Deb Barma and officials from the UIDAI Technology Centre in Bangalore explained the current operations carried out with the help of the Aadhaar system, data input under the Aadhaar system and measures for the continuous improvement of the record verification process, assessment of Technology Centre on benefits of Aadhaar system.
The Union minister and delegation then went to the Network Operation Centre (NOC) of the UIDAI Technology Centre to see how the Aadhaar control systems operated round-the-clock and to ask questions about more details, to which UIDAI staff members responded.
The meeting ended with the exchange of souvenirs after the Union minister and the deputy director-general posed for a documentary group photo.
The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT-B) in Electronic City, Bangalore, welcomed the Union Minister and delegation when they arrived there in the afternoon. There, they were given information about the institute’s founding, its partnership with the University of Information Technology in Myanmar, how India supports some other countries with its Modular Open-Source Identity Platform (MOSIP), and the opportunities for the two nations to work together on e-ID systems.
Union Minister U Myint Kyaing and the delegation were welcomed back by Indian Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Vinay Kumar and officials at Yangon International Airport yesterday. — MNA/TH

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