The Public Overseas Employment Agency of Myanmar- Employment Permit System (POEA-EPS) has announced that the Special EPS-TOPIK will be held in Myanmar in October.
Those who have lived and worked legally in Korea for at least three years and returned to Myanmar after 1 January 2000 and who aim to go back to Korea may take this Ubiquitous Based Test (UBT). Only those who pass the test will be able to apply for a job under the foreign worker recruitment system.
Online applications will be accepted on 9-10 September, and the date and time of the October examination will be announced on 23 September. The result will be announced on POEA’s Facebook and websites of POEA-EPS, HRD –Korea and EPS-TOPIK.
Recruiting sectors are manufacturing, construction and agriculture and livestock breeding and a specified number of candidates will be selected on a merit-based system if they score more than 110 out of 200 points.
The age limit is 18 to 39 years old, and eligibility criteria include having no prison sentence, no restriction from leaving the country, not being deported or repatriated from the Republic of Korea, and not living in the Republic of Korea for 5 years or more with an E-9 or E-10 visa.
For online applications for the examination, link or QR Code can be obtained on the Facebook “POEA-EPS”, and the examination registration fee is US$ 28.
According to the memorandum of understanding between the labour ministries of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the Republic of Korea, the POEA is providing services for Myanmar workers who wish to work in the Republic of Korea through the foreign worker recruitment system.