Sepauk village in NyaungU District executes nursery business with grafted seedlings

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Sepauk village is a village relying on a commercial nursery business, which produces and distributes plants including fruit plants and flowering plants.

Sepauk village located between Kyaukpadaung and Mt Popa in NyaungU District, Mandalay Region is engaged in commercial nursery business with grafted seedlings, said U Tun Tun, a seller of grafted plants.
Sepauk village is a village relying on a commercial nursery business, which produces and distributes plants including fruit plants and flowering plants. The majority of locals carry out business through eCommerce. Also, the buyers come to nursery farms to purchase the plants. Sepauk village is well-known for nursery farms across the country.
Additionally, the village is recognized for its horticultural techniques; grafting and budding. For propagating, native mango trees are planted from seeds and then, they can be grafted from a bench. The villagers have learnt multiple ways to graft the plants. The nursery business in Sepauk village is flourishing and the villagers are well equipped with knowledge of grafting techniques. Grafted star-flower trees, seedless guava, jackfruit, mango, fruit plants, roses and other floral plants are sold, U Tun Tun explained. —Ko Htein (KPD)/GNLM

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