Skill test candidates reminded to present work experience and training certificates

photo 2024 07 12 15 28 24
Students taking pin-sticking skill test in previous exam.

The Public Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) informed that those planning to take skill test after passing EPS-TOPIK must show work experience and training certificates.

For the candidates with relevant certificates among those who will take skill test after passing the Test of Proficiency in Korean (EPS-TOPIK) in construction, agriculture and livestock industry and service group (2), they were informed to show the documents to the POEA between 9 am to 3 pm on 16 July.

To take competency test, requirements for a candidate include a minimum of one year experience in the relevant industry, over 120 learning hours at a vocational training and holder of national level skill certificate.

In addition, they need to download the specified forms of required documents from POEA-EPS Facebook, fill them out in advance, and submit the relevant documents of experience, training and certificate for the applied sector (construction, agriculture/livestock, service business group (2)).

If one has no plan to take competency test, he/she need not apply separately for skill tests, while will be held on 28 July for construction, agriculture and livestock, and on 29 July -1 August for service group (2).

Competency test and personal interview will be held for those with required documents, and those with no documents are not required to submit them and they just need to come and sit for skill test on the scheduled date. If fraudulent documents are found, the candidate will have to take full responsibility for the consequences, POEA said.


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