Two armed men shot dead for attacking school security forces yesterday in Dawei Township, Taninthayi Region.
At 4:30 am on 8 July, ten people, led by the village administrator, provided security at the basic education high school branch in Raungmaw village, Dawei Township.
While providing the security, about 20 armed men, known as the Dawei Defence Team (DDT), arrived on motorcycles and opened fire outside the school fence.
School security forces retaliated with gunfire, and the DDT group retreated about 50 meters from the school. Then, the DDT retreated to the northeast of the school and two-gun men from the group were shot dead by security forces.
Consequently, a leader of the DDT, named Tin Naing (alias) Ko James (alias) James Bond, 48 and other man were arrested together with one gun, two 22-point rifles; two 22-point pistols, three hand grenades, 15 bullets and four motorcycles.
The Dawei Defence Team (DDT), which attacked school security forces, is being prosecuted by the authorities. — MNA
Two armed men shot dead in Dawei Township
- July 09, 2021
- 463