Whenever monsoon comes in, fingerling-releasing ceremonies take place at natural water areas such as creeks, rivers, lakes and dams across the nation. Indeed, it is an act of conserving the natural environment for the sake of living and non-living beings.
In Myanmar, various species of freshwater fish can be seen in the inland water areas. However, the volume of freshwater fish resources in the inland areas is gradually declining due to the fact that local people and fishermen extremely capture fish. Moreover, climate change, water pollution, loss of fish reproduction habitats for fish resources, the outbreak of fish diseases, and the eating of fish to each other are primary reasons to cause the loss of fish resources.
To be able to prevent such events, it is necessary to create new areas for fish to habitat and to reproduce new fish generations as well as release fingerlings to fulfil the needs of fish resources. On the other hand, the authorities need to supervise the measures of taking severe action against those who use improper techniques of fishing such as the electric short-circuit method and putting poison into the water to capture fish.
Myanmar is endowed with 53.38 million acres of freshwater area, 20.51 million acres of which are located in natural water areas such as creeks, rivers and lakes, 15 million acres in the wetland areas, 13.38 million acres of rice plantations and 4.5 million acres in water storage lakes. Only when effective action can be taken against undisciplined fishermen, will it be the best way to contribute much to the fingerling releasing process at freshwater resources.
Hence, efforts must be made for raising the volume of freshwater fish resources in the nation to distribute them to the people for ensuring sufficient fish consumption. Only when the consumption rate and reproduction rate of freshwater fish are in harmony, the country will be able to ensure the sustainability of fish resources for future generations.
Truly, the objects underground and above ground as well as underwater and above water are natural resources for the State as well as for the people. All people have the right to utilize these resources. On the other hand, they are responsible for conserving these resources for long-term existence. Even those who can use the resources have to reproduce these objects on the other hand. In reality, these are fundamental rights and duties of all citizens in Myanmar.
Work in concert to consume and regenerate freshwater fish
- July 17, 2022
- 406