According to the housing residents, YBS 118 and 97 bus lines started running to Thukha Dagon public rental housing in Dagon Myothit (South) Township on 16 December.
Five bus lines are scheduled to run to facilitate the smooth transport of the people living in the rental housing. YBS 118 and 97 bus lines will operate initially.
The newly built Thukha Dagon public rental housing is located near the University of Economics, adjacent to the No 2 toll gate at the intersection of No 7 and No 2 highways. It is a little far from Yangon, which makes it difficult for people to travel.
Four companies reportedly plan to operate with YBS 118, YBS 97, YBS 81, and YBS 71 bus lines to the housing.
“Currently, two bus lines operate and run from the housing to Sule and another two bus lines from the house to Htaukkyant. It is more convenient by those buses,” Ko Win Oo, a resident at the housing, told The Global New Light of Myanmar (GNLM).
In addition, construction of a temporary market is underway, then the supermarkets will be able to open, according to the Department of Urban and Housing Development. — TWA/TKO
YBS 118 and 97 bus lines start commuting to Thukha Dagon Housing
- December 17, 2023
- 944