Myanmar attends meetings and int’l conference of AACC held in Kazakhstan

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U Kyaw Hsan and Daw Nan Sandar Win, members of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union, attended the meeting and international conference of the Association of Asia Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) held through videoconferencing on 26 and 27 August.
The International Conference was hosted by the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which currently holds the rotating chairmanship of the AACC, under the topic “The Internet Era: The Rule of Law, the Values of Person, the State Independence”.
The conference was attended by the President of Kazakhstan and governmental officials, the Chief Justices, Chairmen and Judges of the Constitutional Courts/Councils/Tribunals of the 17 AACC member countries, the Secretary-General of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ), the Chairman of the Association of the European Constitutional Courts and the Constitutional Court of Moldova and lawyers of International Organizations among others.
The conference focused on “Digital system and country’s sovereignty”, “Guarantee of human rights and internet freedom”, “State and State’s authority” and participants exchanged experiences, views and knowledge.
Permanent Secretary U Hla Htay and Director U Nyi Nyi Lwin also attended the Meeting of the Secretaries-General of AACC held on 26 August. — MNA

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