Beikthano Archaeological Museum remains open for visitors

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Museumgoers can explore the archaeological artefacts displayed at the Beikthano Archaeological Museum at the Beikthano Ancient Cultural Site, inscribed on the UNESCO’s World Heritage list, in Magway Region.
That museum is 12 miles away from Taungdwingyi city in Magway Region. It was constructed on 12 July 2004 and the construction was completed on 30 November 2007. The museum opening was on 1 September 2008.
The Beikthano Museum features the prehistorical artefacts of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Additionally, the visitors can also observe skeleton pots, iron tools, Pyu Era coins, stone beads, bronze cups, statues and bells discovered in the old city. The moat, fort and palace models, ancient city maps, evacuation maps and zone mappings are displayed at the museum as well.
The aim of the museum is to explore, maintain and promote Myanmar’s cultural heritage and strengthen the national spirit.
The museum is open between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm every day, except Mondays and the gazetted holidays, as per the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture.
The local visitors can explore the archaeological treasure of the ancient city free of charge. — IPRD Taungdwingyi/GNLM

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