Naga Ethnic New Year Festival planned in Leshi

File Photo: The Naga New Year Festival

It is initially scheduled to celebrate Naga New Year Festival in Leshi for next year, said Ethnic Affairs Minister U Sai Naing Naing Kyaw, spokesperson of Sagaing Region Government.

The celebration of Naga New Year Festival aims to preserve Naga cultural traditions and heritages, discover and promote Naga culture and arts, enhance friendship and mutual understanding among Naga tribes, actively participate in Naga region development works and nurture union spirit through ethnic unity based on friendship between Naga tribes.

“We have roughly planned to hold the new year festival in Leshi. Celebrating the new year festival on the day of their new year is the desire of Naga ethnics, and we are the government that has to implement it,” said U Sai Naing Naing Kyaw.

This year’s new year celebration will be held splendidly and necessary security arrangements will be made, he said.

“It is annually held on every 15 January,” he said.

In past, the festival was celebrated in all townships of Naga region but since 1992 it has been held in a rotation basis. This year’s festival took place in Lahe. Naga New Year festival attracts local and foreign tourists who also happily join in the bonfire celebrations.

Htet Oo Maung/ZS

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