UEC member leaves for People’s Republic of China

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The delegation of Union Election Commission is seen at Yangon International Airport before departing Yangon for the People’s Republic of China yesterday.

At the invitation of the International Affairs Department of the Communist Party of China (Central Committee), a Myanmar delegation led by U Than Tun, a member of the Union Election Commission, left Yangon for the People’s Republic of China at 4 pm yesterday.
They were seen off by officials from the Yangon Region Election Sub-commission at the Yangon International Airport.
The trip aimed to exchange views on reform and open door policy of China, the Belt and Road Project and establishment of Communist Party of China.
Moreover, both sides will have the chance to exchange views on development undertakings of CPC and ways of development process, and establishment of the party. The study tour will last from 10 to 16 September. — MNA/KZL

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