Ayeyawady takes consecutive wins in Myanmar National League

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ISPE player Min Khant Kyaw (yellow) tries to keep the ball under balance during the MNL Week-13 match against Ayeyawady United at Thuwunna Stadium in Yangon on 22 July 2023.  PHOTO: MNL

Ayeyawady United secured their winning streak after sweeping ISPE FC 3-2 in the Week-13 match of the Myanmar National League played at Thuwunna Stadium in Yangon yesterday.
Third-placed ISPE missed the opportunity to win as they could not control the other team’s attack. With the victory, team Ayeyawady is now in good shape to get out of the relegation zone.
Both teams, composed of local players, started with most of their core players and launched attacks from the beginning. However, both teams missed opportunities in the first half and it was a goalless draw.
Mutual goals were seen in the second half and thanks to the late goal, Ayeyawady beat their rival. ISPE led the game with Than Toe Aung’s goal at 47 minutes and Win Pyae Maung’s score at 79 minutes. However, Ayeyawady made three goals at 76 minutes by Shwe Ko and at 80 and 89 minutes by Peter Aung Wai Htoo to celebrate their victory.
The best player award went to Ayeyawady striker Shwe Ko. Ayeyawady United gained 14 points while ISPE collected 20 points after playing 13 matches. Maha United will play against Kachin United at Thuwunna Stadium today. — Ko Nyi Lay/KZL

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