Job opportunities in civil engineering: Ministry of Transport and Communications announces vacancies

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Photo of the Railway Station (Nay Pyi Taw)

It has been reported that the Department of Civil Engineering under the Ministry of Transport and Communications has forty vacant positions for civil engineering roles. The available positions include 23 posts for deputy assistant supervisor (operation) and 20 posts for junior engineer-4 (rail/apprentice), making a total of 43 vacancy posts.
Applicants for the deputy assistant supervisor position must be citizens (male or female) of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, while those applying for the junior engineer (apprentice) position must be male citizens of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The application forms must be submitted by 16 February, and applicants should be between 18 and 35 years old on that day. Additionally, it is mentioned that exam cards for the deputy assistant supervisor will be available on 19 February, and for the junior engineer-4 (Intern) on 21 February at the Civil Engineering Department of the Head Office of Myanma Railways. Applicants are required to bring their original citizenship scrutiny card, labour registration card, and engineering degree certificate. The writing test and viva voce will take place at the railway station of Nay Pyi Taw in Pobbathiri Township. It is further noted that selected candidates will be contacted directly. — TWA/ TRKM

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