Airbag trains run on Yangon-Mawlamyine Railway section

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An airbag train running on Yangon-Mawlamyine railway section.

Starting from 15 October, No 89-up and No 90-down trains with new express coaches are running on Yangon-Mawlamyine Railway section.
Yangon-Mawlamyine train No. 89-up will leave Yangon Station at 6:30 am, and Mawlamyine-Yangon train No. 90-up will leave Mawlamyine Station at 8:00 am, according to the Yangon Station.
“The duration of the new airbag train will be only nine hours. Once some sections of the road have been upgraded, passengers will be able to communicate between Moppalin and Thaton faster than before.
“The airbag train has never run on Mawlamyine Road, so we are running it. Now, the Yangon-Mandalay section is running an airbag train,” said U Kyaw Soe Lin, Deputy General Manager of Myanmar Railways.
The train will be stopped at Bago Station, Paung station, Thaton Station, Kyaikto station and Taungsun station, and since it is an airbag train, the trains will be clean and tidy, and CCTV cameras will be installed for the safety of passengers.
When buying a train ticket, passengers must show their citizenship scrutiny cards and buy it, and it will not be sold with endorsements. At Mawlamyine Station, tickets can be purchased starting at 7:30 am.
It is reported that tickets are being sold at the advance ticket office with one day in advance for ordinary class and 3-day advance system for upper class.
No. 153-up train running on Taunggyi-Banyin route of the Taunggyi-Saikkhoung road section, which was suspended on 1 September and No. 154-up train route on the Pathein-Hinthada-Kyangin express railway section which was suspended on 11 September resumed by Myanmar Railways.—TWA/GNLM

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