Consumers warned of fake peanut oil

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Pure peanut oil and palm oil are seen in the market.

Peanut prices climbed along with the price rise of palm oil in the markets. However, there is a gap of K4,000 per viss between palm oil and peanut oil before 2021. Therefore, fake peanut oil with artificial peanut oil flavour might be seen in the market so the consumers are warned of the fake cooking oil, Ko Min, a regular peanut oil buyer in Thanlyin told the Global New Light of Myanmar (GNLM).
Marketing of different cooking oil brands is seen, ensuring 100 per cent use of peanut oil. However, the consumers can check if it is real or not after using them.
There are certain ways to test peanut oil in general. Yet we cannot say 100 per cent for sure, said Ko Ti Ti from Ahlon Township. Peanut oil yield varies on quality and peanut varieties. A viss of peanuts produces 34-44 ticals of oil. Consequently, there is a price gap for peanut oil as well, Ko Win, a peanut and sesame trader explained.
The prices are different from the oil yield. Some peanut oil prices show a gap of K1,500 per viss depending on the different brands. We cannot be certain which brand offers the pure peanut oil, the GNLM quoted Ko Khin Maung Myint from Lanmadaw Township as saying.
In 2000, peanut oil mixed with palm oil was witnessed in the markets. Starting from 2010, fake cooking oil with the use of artificial peanut flavour and palm oil are sold on the market. Those scrupulous traders lowered the prices of those fake cooking oil compared to the real peanut oil.
Peanut flavour can be bought at K20,000 per can. It can be diluted with two jerry cans of palm oil. Therefore, peanut flavour for palm oil costs only K100 per viss. When it is sold as peanut oil, they make a profit of K1,000-1,500 per viss. It is a loss for consumers as they have to buy palm oil at a higher price, U Saw from Hlinethaya Township who has worked at peanut oil shops for years elaborated on the fake cooking oil in the markets.
While there is a gap of K4,000 per viss between peanut oil and palm oil, the fake peanut oil is sold at K2,000-2,500 lower than the peanut oil per viss.
The department concerned has directed the edible oil producers and companies to put the full label in the Myanmar Language on the goods to ensure the rights of the consumers. Consumers need to take care of the standard quality of the cooking oil prior to the obligatory labelling. “Especially, the consumers must be aware of the fake peanut oil at a higher price,” Daw Kyin, a seller told the GNLM.
Moreover, the prices of cottonseed oil (used in making soap) have unexpectedly risen in the market, she continued. — TWA/GNLM

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