FXB Myanmar’s sewing, carpentry and welding free training courses draw a lot of attention

photo 2024 05 23 16 02 48
Trainees who joined FXB Myanmar's hospitability training course in 2022.

Candidates are invited for sewing, carpentry and welding free training courses and many expressed their interest, said FXB Myanmar vocational training school which will provide this training programme.

Located in Shwepyitha Township, Yangon Region, the vocational training school provides purely free vocational education for youths.

“Anyone aged between 16 and 35 can join. There is no requirement but need to come to enroll. Youths will not stray if they have learned a vocation. The duration is four months. We will provide meals and transportation allowance for them. It will run from Monday through Friday and from 8:00am to 4:00pm. It will feature sewing, carpentry, masonry and welding techniques. Job opportunities will come depending on their skills. Trainers are authentic professionals and they will volunteer. For sewing, professional designers will teach,” said Daw Khin Mya Hnin, one of trainers at the training school.

photo 2024 05 23 16 02 47 2 1
Trainees who joined FXB Myanmar’s hospitability training course in 2022.

Similar training courses were invited in previous years but it could draw just a few interests as no online advertising was made. Advertisement was introduced this year for the first time and has received a lot of attentions and enrollment has been larger this year.

“Every year, there are a few registrations, but this year, we have received many enrolments. Many have expressed their interests and there are a lot of inquires too,” she said.

Thit Taw/ZS

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