Goh Chok Tong grants Myanmar publisher rights to translate his books

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U Myint Tun (Quality Publishing House) presents Goh Chok Tong with the latter's portrait.

Mr Goh Chok Tong, former prime minister of Singapore from 1990 to 2004, has granted official publication rights to Myanmar book publisher U Myin Tun from Quality Publishing House to translate his biographies ‘Tall Order’, ‘Pan Jang’, and ‘Standing Tall’ into the Myanmar Language.
At the birthday party of ESM Mr Goh Chok Tong, held at Orchard Rendezvous Hotel in Singapore on 23 May, the former Prime Minister of Singapore granted publishing rights to U Myint Tun, a Myanmar publisher, and his wife, who attended the event.
U Myint Tun said, “I had the chance to have a warm chat with him. His analytical ability, views on books, and sophisticated knowledge of AI Chat GPT are awe-inspiring for an 83-year-old man. I got the book signed by Mr Goh and the writer Peh Shing Huei. I also gifted him the portrait drawn by the artist Maung Nay Kyi four years ago, as well as the books ‘Tall Order’ and ‘Pan Jang,’ which have been translated into Myanmar. The former was translated by Ko Aung (MraukU), and Hsu Pyae Sone Htun translated the latter. Now, I have obtained official rights to publish and translate ‘Standing Tall’, and to republish the first two books.”
The Singaporean publisher, the original writer, and the Myanmar publisher jointly organized the 83rd birthday party of Mr Goh Chok Tong. — ASH/TMT

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