Magway Region Chief Minister inspects cleaning activities at Mann Shwesettaw pagoda, Yinshay Dam in Ngape Township

Minbu 9 sskm 1
Departmental personnel, members of Tatmadaw, Police and Fire Brigade and Myanmar Red Cross Society volunteer the relief tasks.

Magway Region Chief Minister U Tint Lwin inspected the cleaning processes at Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda (lower Buddha footprint) in Minbu (Sagu) Township and water flows into Yinshay Dam in Ngape Township of Magway Region together with the relevant officials yesterday.
On arrival at Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda, the region chief minister and party inspected the water flows of the Mann Creek and cleaning activities at the platform of lower Buddha footprint. They also comforted the members of township administration body, Tatmadaw members, departmental staff, members of Myanmar Police Force, Fire Brigade, Myanmar Red Cross Society and pagoda board of trustees who carried out cleaning activities.
They also paid homage to Mann Shwesettaw pagoda (upper Buddha footprint) and donated flowers, oil light, water and gold foils.
Then, they went to Yinshay Dam in Ngape Township and the officials of Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department reported on the history of dam that opened in 2009, water distribution to 500 acres of farms, surging water level to danger mark after heavy rain on 13 and 14 May due to Cyclone Mocha, evacuation processes for locals by the relevant organizations and conservation for the strength of dam.
Then, the region chief minister gave advice on ensuring the strength of dam, prevention and upgrading works. — Maung Maung (Minbu)/KTZH

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