The Ministry of National Recourses and Environmental Conservation has released Notification 152/2023 recognizing 15 Geosites covering 52,317.85 acres in Kyaukpadaung Township of NyaungU District in Mandalay Region as Mount Popa National Geopark exercising the authority conferred by Sub-section (a) of Section 9 of the Conservation of Biodiversity and Protected Area Law 2018 starting from 6 December 2023.
The ministry designated the Geosite to conserve unusual land areas, biodiversity and ecosystems, wild animals and fauna, natural heritage, history, and ancient heritage.
The Popa Mountain Park was established in 1989 to conserve the Mount Popa area, which is recognized as an oasis of tropical regions and biodiversity. It preserves precious timbers like teak, ironwood, Dalbergia oliveri and sal and tropical plant species, Popa langur, mammals, resident bird species, reptiles, amphibians, insects and butterfly species.
Recognizing the Mount Popa National Geopark can bring benefits in protecting the unusual geological structures, world-level geographical existence, volcano, geological heritage, and ancient heritage and also supports the geotourism and sustainable development progrmmes, sustainability of ecosystems and manage the biodiversity and forest resources systematically.
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation