Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association supports Ministry of Health

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MMCWA Honorary Patron Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the SAC Chair Prime Minister, views the display at yesterday’s event in Nay Pyi Taw.

Only when the country reduces the maternal death and mortality rate, which are essential health indexes for the State, will the life expectancy of the nation rise, said Union Minister for Health Professor Dr Thet Khaing Win.
Honorary Patron of MMCWA Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister, attended the 33rd annual meeting of the Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association at its office in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.
The meeting was also attended by honorary patrons of the association Daw Khin Thet Htay and Daw Than Than Nwe, Deputy Minister for Health Dr Aye Tun, departmental heads, the chair of MMCWA and CEC members, patrons, chairs and secretaries of region and state MCWA Supervisory Committees, and officials of social organizations.
Speaking on the occasion, the Union minister said that more than 60 per cent out of over 54 million people in Myanmar are mothers and children.
He continued that the Ministry of Health provides healthcare services to people in all age groups in different forms, such as school health, workplace and environment health, and so on.
In this regard, he disclosed the important participation of internal social organizations like MMCWA in the implementation of the policy to enhance the health standard of the nation.
The Union minister urged MMCWA to improve the lives of the people by studying advancements in health, education, economic, social and international relations.
Next, a video clip on the movements of MMCWA was presented.
Honorary Patron Daw Kyu Kyu Hla presented first, second and third prizes to Bago, Magway and Taninthayi region MCWASCs with that of Kayah State as a consolation prize winner for education, social, economic and health sectors’ movements.
Honorary patrons Daw Khin Thet Htay and Daw Than Than Nwe, as well as Union Minister for Health Prof Dr Thet Khine Win, presented prizes to relevant winners.
Honorary patron Daw Kyu Kyu Hla viewed round documentary photos on movements of region/state MCWASCs.
She then gave nutritious foods and catch-up vaccines to children under five and viewed sales of domestic products and traditional goods by region and state MCWASCs.
The 33rd meeting of the association followed, with an address by Chair Prof Dr San San Myint Aung.
The secretary of the association submitted the annual report for 2023, the treasurer’s financial statement for the 2022-23 financial year and the budget for 2023-24. Region and state MCWASCs submitted their annual reports. The meeting adopted future tasks. — MNA/TTA

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