Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing yesterday morning met with Union-level personnel, Union ministers, the chairman of Nay Pyi Taw Council, chairpersons of Region and State Administration Councils and chairpersons of Self-Administered Zones and Division Administration Bodies at Thabin Hall of the State Administration Council Chairman’s Office in Nay Pyi Taw.
Although the people inspired the NLD, Buddhist people, more than 80 per cent in the country, did not satisfy with Buddhism affairs based on religious and management misconducts. However, the Tatmadaw cooperate with the government formed by the election result. After the election, the Senior General met with NLD leaders, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, to transfer power. At the meeting, the Senior General urged them to perform the tasks in accord with the Constitution.
Also present at the meeting were Vice-Chairman of the Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Council members General Mya Tun Oo, Admiral Tin Aung San, General Maung Maung Kyaw, Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun, Lt-Gen Soe Htut, Mahn Nyein Maung, U Thein Nyunt, U Khin Maung Swe, Daw Aye Nu Sein, Jeng Phang Naw Taung, U Moung Har, U Sai Lone Saing, Saw Daniel, Dr Banyar Aung Moe and U Shwe Kyein, Secretary Lt-Gen Aung Lin Dwe and Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Chief Justice of the Union U Tun Tun Oo, Chairman of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union U Than Kyaw, Chairman of the Union Election Commission U Thein Soe, Union ministers, the Attorney-General of the Union, the Auditor-General of the Union, the chairman of the Union Civil Service Board, the Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar, the chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission, the chairman of Myanmar Human Rights Commission, the chairman of the Nay Pyi Taw Council, chairpersons of region and state administration councils, advisory members to the Chairman of the State Administration Council, chairpersons of self-administered zones and division administration bodies, deputy ministers and officials.
At the meeting, the Senior General said he would like to explain matters related to the State Administration Council in declaring the State of Emergency for the country and taking over the State duty, current undertakings and future plans. Regarding the assumption of the State duty, the Senior General said the Council took the State responsibilities due to the event of voting frauds in the 2020 general election.
The Senior General continued to say that the general elections were held in 2010, 2015 and 2020 in Myanmar. The Union Solidarity and Development Party won the election in 2010. Such election was the first experience of Myanmar. The Union Solidarity and Development Party won the election due to lack of main opposition parties. At that time, NLD stood as an opposition party but did not participate in the election by staging the boycott. The winning party in 2010 formed the government. It amended Section 6 (c) of the Political Parties Registration Law and revoked Section 10(e) for enabling all parties in the democracy. NLD participated in the by-election in 2012 and won in it. So, Chair of the party Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was assigned by the Hluttaw as the chair of a committee.
At that time, President U Thein Sein performed political, economic, administrative and international relations sectors as much as he can. However, he faced many heavy problems. With regard to security measures, the Rakhine State issue, Laukkai issue of Shan State (North) and Laiza issue of Kachin State happened. In the 2015 general election, NLD won the election with the slogan — time to change. Although the people inspired the NLD, Buddhist people, more than 80 per cent in the country, did not satisfy with Buddhism affairs based on religious and management misconducts. However, the Tatmadaw cooperate with the government formed by the election result. After the election, the Senior General met with NLD leaders, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, to transfer power. At the meeting, the Senior General urged them to perform the tasks in accord with the Constitution.However, the Hluttaw was convened, the State Counsellor Law was enacted based on the provision of Section 217 of the Constitution. The State’s protocol list mentioned State Counsellor between the president and vice-president beyond the designation of qualification for the president and vice-president mentioned in the Constitution. Two to three years later, the people did not satisfy with the NLD. Peace is essential in a democracy. President U Thein Sein, in his tenure, signed NCA with ethnic armed organizations within four years.
He urged all to perform genuine and honest politics and fair politics at the third special annual meeting of NCA in 2018. At more meetings and conferences, the Senior General emphasized holding a free and fair election, performing honest politics, and avoiding political revenge.
NLD government tried to restore peace. Each ethnic armed organization has different endeavours, history and concept. It is necessary to perform restoration of peace in a patient manner. In its time, the NLD government signed with some part of the Union Accord. However, it did not achieve the success it expected because ethnic armed organizations were disappointed in the peacemaking process.
The Senior General said he urged all to emphasize the economy as if the economy develops, the peacemaking process will be quick. People staged the ‘No Vote’ campaign in 2018. For example, 14 per cent of eligible voters cast votes for the Yangon City Development Committee election in 2019. The election is important in a democracy. So, the Senior General urged military families to cast ballots and the people not to stage the ‘No Vote’ campaign.
The Senior General said he urged all to perform genuine and honest politics and fair politics at the third special annual meeting of NCA in 2018. At more meetings and conferences, the Senior General emphasized holding a free and fair election, performing honest politics, and avoiding political revenge. Covid-19 broke out in 2020. Rules and regulations for canvassing were issued for the outbreak of Covid-19. But, the ruling party broke its rules and regulations, but other political parties were restricted. At that time, the UDP party, which will compete in the election with 1,129 candidates, was revoked as it was not in conformity with the law. It was found that NLD committed voting frauds for winning the election. More than 10 million votes, believed to be fraudulent, were found in 315 townships. Adding a voting list was very bad, similar to the way of taking the examination with malpractice for securing the highest marks despite having a situation to pass the examination with simple acts.
The Union Election Commission did not address such problems. After forming the new Union Election Commission, voter lists were scrutinized in 98 townships of 10 regions and states. Such scrutiny showed about four million voter lists between the list of township election sub-commissions and the immigration department. More than one million persons without citizenship scrutiny cards cast votes. More than 9 million of over 14 million ballot papers were used, and more than 5 million ballot papers were lost. Although the Tatmadaw sent a letter to solve the problems by holding the State Defence and Security Council, the reason was showed not to do so under the law. They did not accept the postponement of the Hluttaw and the assignment of a third party to inspect the voting frauds. Hence, the Tatmadaw took over the State duty due to the assignment of the Pro Tem President. It was not Coup D’état. The State Administration Council’s government was formed with the majority of civilians, and the councils of regions and states were also formed as well. A government has responsibility for improving and giving guarantee to the State.
Protests were staged as of 3 February. The Council solved it in a democratic way. In the events of the riots, 16 police members fell, and more than 260 were injured. Moreover, files of dead cases were opened for the death of 248 rioters in the events.
CDM is an activity to destroy the country. The Senior General said he would like to identify CDM activity as a country-destroying movement. Although protests are staged in neighbouring countries and the international community, they do not destroy businesses. However, CDM in Myanmar attempted to halt the running of hospitals, schools, roads, offices and factories. Tatmadaw hospitals provide healthcare services to more than 110,000 outpatients and over 35,000 inpatients. At present, more than 4,000 patients are being provided treatments, and over 6,900 pregnant women were given birth.
The need to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor in developing the socio-economy of the entire nation, undertaking equal development of regions and states and reducing the gap between urban and rural areas.
The Ministry of Education is striving for reopening schools as quickly as possible. NGOs and INGOs shaped service personnel in undisciplined democracy. Rioters hang pictures of Buddhist monks assaulting Buddhism. People are in troubles for the closure of hospitals. The Tatmadaw gives a helping hand to them. The Tatmadaw sent 44 medical doctors to the Naga area in 2015.
It is necessary to create an entitlement for teachers in line with their qualification so as to enhance the role of staff from education, health and State service personnel. A similar plan must be implemented for medical doctors. And appropriate entitlement must be created for service personnel.
The Senior General said the current government needs to take lessons from the past events of two democratic governments. The Senior General stressed the need for cabinet members and officials to avoid indulgence and urged them to do all tasks according to the law. They need to carry out the tasks with satisfaction.
The Senior General stressed the need to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor in developing the socio-economy of the entire nation, undertaking equal development of regions and states and reducing the gap between urban and rural areas. As 70 per cent of people reside in rural areas, engaging in agriculture and livestock breeding, it is necessary to encourage their businesses.
It is necessary to arrange improvement of the agriculture and livestock breeding sector. As there is one Agricultural University and the University of Veterinarian Science, colleges and institutes must be established.
Only when the Council serve the interests of the people will the people have trust over the government. So, efforts will be made for serving the interests of the people and giving guarantees to them.
Myanmar must continuously implement democracy and federalism. As such, officials must broaden the scopes of people with knowledge of democracy and federalism. But, any acts should not harm Our Three Main National Causes. The Senior General called for officials from regions and states sharing borders with neighbouring countries to focus on friendly relations with both countries. — MNA