Paulin, Pangpet Tech High Schools offer courses for G9 graduates

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Industrial/Agricultural/Livestock School in Hopong Township.

Students who have completed the middle school education (Grade 9) can apply for admission to the Industrial/Agriculture/Livestock High School (Paulin) and Government Technical High School (Pangpet) in Hopong Township of Pa-O Self-Administered Zone, Shan State (South).
In this programme, students attending basic education, industrial/agricultural/livestock high schools, and government technical high schools in Hopong, Hsihseng, and Pinlaung Townships of the Pa-O Self-Administered Zone will have opportunities to learn vocational courses such as industrial technology, agriculture, and livestock breeding during their high school term, and will also receive employment opportunities.
In the industrial technology sector, in addition to high school subjects, three specialized subjects — Building Technology, Electrical Technology, and Machining Technology — will be taught and trained using a curriculum designed to prepare students for the workplace through theoretical and practical work during three academic years.
In addition, students attending the THS who pass with credit will have various opportunities to pursue further studies. They can participate in universities of technology for six academic years to earn a Bachelor of Engineering (BE) or attend government technological colleges for four years to earn a Bachelor of Technology (BTech). Additionally, qualified students can attend government technical institutes to earn an Associate of Government Technical Institute (AGTI) Diploma after three years of study. — TWA/TKO

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