The Ministry of Commerce notified that grain storage facilities need to be registered on the online registration platform – Myanmar Rice Online (MyRO), starting 3 November 2023, intending to ensure rice self-sufficiency, systematic export, price stability and systematic registration for grain storage and implementing warehouse receipt financing system.
The owners of the grain storage facilities for above 5,000 baskets of paddy and 1,000 rice bags (over 50 tonnes) are included in seeking this registration. For further details on registration, the Department of Consumer Affairs can be reached at phone numbers 067 3430563, 067 3430131 and Myanmar International Trade Centre through the phone number 01 385323 and address No 622/626, Merchant Street, Pabedan Township, Yangon.
The Commerce Ministry, in cooperation with the Myanmar Rice Federation, held a Go-Live ceremony for the Myanmar Rice Online (MyRO) Website and a meeting regarding the MyRO registration platform for grain storage facilities at Thingaha Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw on 3 November.
At the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Planning and Finance U Win Shein remarked that this meeting highlighted the implementation of the work processes of Myanmar Rice Conference 2022 such as the crop insurance system for farmers and the enhancement of the rice sector. This MyRO system is aimed at facilitating the registration of grain storage facilities, exporter licences and rice mill registration through digital platforms. It will provide an easy, quick and efficient registration system like company registration. This ceremony is intended to be a first step for the rice sector to move forward to digital transformation. The State will help provide policy stability to ensure an enabling environment for investment. Public-Private Partnership to bring greater harmony plays a pivotal role in the development of the State’s economy.
Afterwards, Union Minister for Commerce U Tun Ohn stated that the ministry is joining hands with the private sector to benefit the farmers, make a reasonable profit for millers and traders, lessen the burdens of the consumers, ensure self-sufficiency and enhance exportation. Following the Myanmar Rice Conference 2022, the ministry achieved to carry out the 43 prioritized work processes. A workshop was held to implement the Warehouse Receipt Financing System and decided on 12 work processes for further activities.
Under the approval of the SAC, a task force to implement a warehouse receipt financing system was formed. Drawing up further plans, laying down policies, rules, regulations and standards, creating a separate fund, conducting pilot projects and supporting domestic and foreign businesspersons who want to invest in warehousing will be effectively implemented. The pilot project is planned to kick off in Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory, Yangon, Ayeyawady, Bago and Mandalay regions. The MyRO will disseminate information for those stakeholders in the rice industry including farmers, merchants, rice millers, exporters, experts and consumers and facilitate the registration process. Thus, all the stakeholders in the industry are encouraged to cooperate in this effort, U Tun Ohn elaborated. — NN/EM
Registration on MyRO required for grain storage facilities
- November 06, 2023
- 602