Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity the most important for Myanmar

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MoFA Union Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin addresses the meeting at the Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(Yangon).

U Wunna Maung Lwin, Union Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, addressed the speech at the meeting which was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Yangon), the Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies’ meeting room on 19 September 2022 at 1:30 pm with the Senior Advisory Group and Executive Members of the Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies (MISIS).
In the Union minister’s opening remarks, he clarified the implementation and responsibilities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, recent international cooperation by the ministry, the existing cooperation with the United Nations, and regional organizations, especially with ASEAN, and recent challenges in Myanmar. Furthermore, the Union minister explained the purpose of the establishment of the Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies. Additionally, the Union minister coordinated the responsibility of the Board of Trustees, Senior Advisory Board and Executive Members of the Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies for their successful implementation of various tasks. In addition, the Union minister highlighted that the Nation’s Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity are the most important for the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Furthermore, he emphasized that the Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies have to be contributing valuable advice from the perspective of academics through track-2 diplomacy in various sectors such as politics, defence and economy that can be beneficial for the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Also, the Union minister encouraged the Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies to continuously analyze and identify the reviews and make recommendations for the development and National Interests.
Then, U Thant Kyaw, Chairman of the Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies explained the operational environments of the Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies. As well, Senior Advisory Board Members and Executive Members presented the suggestions and considerations in this meeting.
Chairman U Thant Kyaw of the Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Senior Advisory Members and Executive Members of the Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies, the director-general of the Department of Strategic Studies and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs attended the meeting.—MNA

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