2024 Inter-State/Region Sepak Takraw Championship opens in Nay Pyi Taw

With the aim of bringing out a new generation of athletes, the 2024 Inter-State and Region Sepak Takraw Championship was launched at Wunna Theikdhi Gymnasium A in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.
During the event, Union Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs U Min Thein Zan, who is also chairperson of the Myanmar Olympic Committee, said that he wants all the athletes to demonstrate their skills and talents in the competition and try to become outstanding athletes who will be able to strengthen the Myanmar national team through this competition. Next, the Union minister opened the ceremony, which was followed by athletes reciting the sports pledge.
Then, State Administration Council members, Union Minister U Min Thein Zan and officials cordially greeted athletes and enjoyed the men’s double Sepak Takraw match played between the Ayeyawady Region team and the Kayin State team.
A total of 269 athletes from 28 teams (15 men’s teams plus 13 women’s teams), including the coaching members, competed in the tourney, which is being held from 23 to 31 May at the Wunna Theikdhi Gymnasium A. Anyone interested in the sport is free to come and watch, as officials have stated. — MNA/KZL

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