Business of Nat Baung Taw, traditional spirits’ headwear, is thriving

photo 2024 05 24 16 49 46
Spirits' turbans or Nat Baung Taw, one of Myanmar's traditions, are seen.

The business of Nat Baung Taw, turbans for spirits (Nat), which is one of Myanmar’s traditions is booming with business continuity and many orders, according to Ko Htut Nat Baung Taw shop in South Okkalapa township, Yangon.

This traditional business covers making various spirits’ dresses, including headwear, which are widely used in Myanmar culture, as well as modern designs and ornaments.

photo 2024 05 24 16 49 44
Spirits’ turbans or Nat Baung Taw, one of Myanmar’s traditions, are seen.

“Orders for their business never stop coming. It is one of Myanmar’s traditional handicrafts because it makes turbans. Besides turbans, they also make dresses and ornaments for spirits (Nat). It is part of the handicraft,” said an official from Ko Htut Nat Baung Taw business.

Craftsmen of different ages, from elderly to middle-aged, are currently employed in the Nat Baung Taw business that has an economically viable market.

“It already has its own market. As there are spirit medium women, the business is running. Orders for the products never stop. Some people buy different designs to keep them at home. These products can be found in the market,” he said.

Thit Taw/ZN

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