Central Body for Summoning People’s Military Servants holds 3rd coord meeting

State Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minister Union Minister for Defence Admiral Tin Aung San, in his capacity as Chairman of the Central Body for Summoning People’s Military Servants, attended the 3/2024 coordination meeting of the central body in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
Speaking at the meeting, the Admiral said the chairman and vice-chair have already set the proper work plans, reviewing the good points and weak points with the officials of the relevant sectors after hearing the completed activities and challenges presented by the Nay Pyi Taw Council, Region/State Security and Border Affairs Ministers and secretaries.
Moreover, the final version of the Rules (draft) was submitted to the Ministry of Legal Affairs to check in accordance with the legal ways and to seek their suggestions. After receiving the recommendations from the ministry, the draft rules will be amended and submitted to the Union government meeting via the Security, Peace and Stability and Rule of Law Committee so as to release the Rules if it is approved.
The Admiral also highlighted the efforts of the central body to open the training for the first batch in April 2024, public awareness programmes, sending of Short Message Service (SMS) about the People’s Military Service Law by four Mobile Operators to combat rumours and false information, and announcement of telephone numbers on state-run newspaper for enquiries.
He also talked about the online training to be able to fill up the data correctly by drafting the Excel Formats, ensuring the systematic inventory and the exact system as per the SOP in summoning the people’s military servants, plans to conduct multiplier training and systematic recording system.
He added that it can be seen that many people voluntarily registered to do the military service, but the ward/township level officials should supervise and ensure they are the actual volunteers.
He then underscored that the opposition organizations spread false information and disinformation on social media and threatened the ward/village-tract administrators and officials. Action is being taken against the those who spread fake news. Responsible organizations should invest in acting on information from the public to be able to take action and reduce false information and such threats.
Vice-Chairman of the central body Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye also discussed the establishment of call centres for respective regions/states, measures to receive exact figures of eligible people for conscription and conduct public awareness programmes.
Finally, the Admiral gave instructions and concluded the meeting. — MNA/KTZH

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