By pouring US$13.34 million, the China Foundation for Rural Development (CFRD) has implemented seven projects for Myanmar, benefiting more than 550,000 people, said the CFRDExecutive Director Mr Chen Hongtao.
Holding its four basic principles including respecting the region, building partnership and sustainability, the CFRD office in Myanmar has implemented seven projects in three broadcategories – good education, alleviation of hunger and clean water – with a contribution of $13.4 million, benefiting 556000 people, he said.
With its continued basis on the concept of “borderless love and people’s heart–to–heart connection”, the foundation will conveythe love of the Chinese people to both sides of the Ayeyarwady River and help Myanmar achieve the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals, while building a Sino- Myanmar community through thick and thin, he said.
Ms Cao Jing, Minister Counsellor at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Myanmar, said China has actively coordinated resources in different sectors and collaborated in projects to benefit Myanmar people. With the support ofLancang-Mekong Cooperation, more than 100 projects have been carried out in Myanmar, improving Myanmar socioeconomic development and people‘s living conditions, she said. MT/ZS