Council needs to put energy into reviving country’s ailing economy: Senior General

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Chairman of the State Administration Council Senior General Min Aung Hlaing presides over the third coordination meeting at the Council’s Office in Nay Pyi Taw on 22 February 2021.

The State Administration Council organized the 3rd coordination meeting at its office in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, the chairman of the Council, held talks at the meeting.

Present at the meeting together with the Senior General were Vice-Chairman of the Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army), Vice-Senior General Soe Win, members of the Council General Mya Tun Oo, Admiral Tin Aung San, General Maung Maung Kyaw, Lieutenant-General Moe Myint Tun, Mahn Nyein Maung, U Thein Nyunt, U Khin Maung Swe, Daw Aye Nu Sein, Jeng Phang Naw Taung, U Moung Har, U Sai Lone Saing and Saw Deniel, Secretary Lieutenant-General Aung Lin Dway, Joint Secretary Lieutenant-General Ye Win Oo and Union Minister for Home Affairs Lieutenant-General Soe Htut.

At the meeting, the Senior General said the Council had assumed the duty for about three weeks. During the period, many reforms have been undertaken. For the first point related to the State peace and stability, although protests were staged during the period between the second and third weeks, the Council took measures under control as much as it can. The action was taken similar to that of democratic countries in accord with the practices of democracy. Other countries carried out the use of tear gas bombs, rubber bullets and water cannons to crack down the crowds of riots and interruption of the internet. In comparing the number of dead and injured persons in other countries’ demonstrations, there were four deceased persons within three weeks in Myanmar. In reviewing the deaths, the dead woman was about 20 years old. It was found that she herself participated in the riots. It was found that riotous protesters used catapults, stones and nuts in attacks. In the event, police members used rubber bullets, not lead balls. The documentary video clip has been checked in detail. It was a reality.

Effective action will be taken against those who initially propagated CDM to the service personnel. Some service personnel participated in the CDM, some of whom joined it with fear. With regard to the CDM measure, service personnel were urged to re-discharge their duties last week. State service personnel are associates of ours. Service personnel can vote for those they like, but they must focus on serving the State only during duty hours. The civil service personnel will have things they like or unlike. It is acceptable for democracy practice. However, civil service personnel need to serve the people. State service personnel need to perform State duty. Likewise, citizens must serve the State. The current event was based on voting frauds. Although the Tatmadaw cooperated with the past government in its term in a patient manner, the government did not conform to the current situation. So, the problems happened.

Data was collected for the absence of State service personnel last Friday. Medical doctors are absent from hospitals and clinics. Medical doctors are service personnel to provide health care service to the people. There are three crucial service personnel in the country. They are health staff, police force and the Tatmadaw, and they always have to prepare to be ready. The Tatmadaw alerts regiments and units in regions and states to be readiness for defending the State. Police members also are discharging duty in unity at respective units and police stations.

Likewise, health staff discharge duty in unity at respective hospitals and clinics to provide health care services to the people. One of the nine points of oaths of medical doctors mentions: “I shall respectfully and valuably protect the lives and souls of humans with medical knowledge we learnt.” Medical doctors break their oaths if they do not perform medical treatment. Likewise, the oaths of nurses say, “Physical and mental health of all human beings will be assumed as our measures,” and “I shall prevent any acts which can harm danger of lives and health of human beings.” In reviewing these points, acts of health staff can be assumed as breaking their ethics. Although there are 1,262 hospitals across the nation, the data received on the previous day mentioned that 778 hospitals are opened to provide medical treatment; 27 hospitals do not offer treatment, and 357 hospitals are totally closed.

Just consideration will know how many people are getting into trouble. There is no such important thing as human lives. So, measures are being taken with the least restraint not to harm public lives in handling riots. Disciplinary actions will be taken against medical doctors and nurses for violating civil service rules and disciplines. Health workers have already taken their oaths. Likewise, police and military personnel are public servants who have taken their oaths by holding a State flag. They must, therefore, not be disloyal. In the Tatmadaw also, discipline violations will face strict action. It follows suit in the police force as well. Police members need to try to become ones the public trust and the State relies on. Disciplinary action will be taken against service personnel if they fail to report and go to work.

Coordinated plans are underway to present cash awards to the doctors depending on the degrees they obtained. In the education sector, teaching quality must be raised. Teachers are crucial for the country. They produce human resources. As their role is essential, measures will be taken for their capacity building. In the education sector also, cash awards should be presented based on their degrees. In the country’s human resources, the two important points are understanding laws and conducting courses on BA (Law) at universities. Discussion is underway to open courses on BA (Eco) for business knowledge in respective regions. Efforts must be made to create a good education atmosphere. Only then will students be motivated to learn. Education and healthcare promotion plans must be carried out. When it comes to CDM, there are instigators online and supporters behind them. There are also sponsors providing money. The Council will continue what is necessary to do in accord with the law. Protests cause a great impact on the country. In order to avoid losses to the country, it is necessary to explain with patience to the protesters so they can understand, reach the right track and cooperate with the people.

The country sees budget and trade deficits every year. That affects the country’s currency value, so a substantial currency value is required. The economy must be raised through trade. Five objectives have been laid down. The Council needs to put its energy into reviving the country’s ailing economy. Economic remedy measures must be taken. It is necessary to reduce import and boost export to cut the trade deficit. Agriculture and livestock breeding play a key role in manufacturing local products.

Meanwhile, the spending of State funds must be reduced as much as possible. It is also necessary to improve electricity generation, transport and communications as well as education and healthcare services necessary for the development of human resources. Renewable energy sources such as hydropower and solar power must be extensively tapped for reducing electricity charges and increased generating of electricity. Regular maintenance of railroads and motor roads is necessary for good transport. Ways must be sought to supply drinking water to the townships with scarce water. Efforts must be made without fail to improve the socio-economy of ethnic nationalities.

Next, Council Vice-Chairman Vice-Senior General Soe Win and members U Thein Nyunt, Mahn Nyein Maung, Jeng Phang Naw Taung, Daw Aye Nu Sein, U Moung Har and U Khin Maung Swe reported on progress in mine clearance in Kachin and Rakhine states and continuation of mine clearance, opinions from the international community over the temporary assumption of State duties by the Council, the situation in Rakhine State, the confusing political situation caused by a personality cult, electricity bill reduction for religious buildings, incitement to CDM by encouraging civil servants to participate, the imposition of those organizations which are behind the instigation and taking of action against them and the need for protection of the service personnel who are shouldering their duties.

The Senior General said the voter lists related to the commission would be publicized as quickly as possible. The commission is initially inspecting the townships that received the most complaints. The findings over the inaccuracies of the voter lists are being announced. The inspection will continue for the remaining townships. The ministry concerned needs to try to issue identity to citizens.

Concerning the media, measures must be taken to regulate the press in accordance with press ethics through the Myanmar Press Council. Warnings have been issued against the use of military government that staged a coup in news reports, and action will be taken against violators who continue to use such usage in their writings by revoking publishing licences. Investigations will be conducted into the work of Kofi Annan report, and action will be taken on work done in the self-interest of an individual without taking national interests into consideration. Electricity bills have been reduced and exempted. Cash rewards are being offered to government employees, members of the police and Tatmadaw members depending on their performance. Teachers are required to prepare to make ready for the reopening of schools with maintenance when students return to schools by holding meetings that contribute to teaching and undergoing pieces of training.

As Myanmar is an agriculture and livestock breeding country, it is necessary to nurture technicians in agriculture and livestock breeding by opening new training schools, colleges and universities for agriculture and livestock breeding. Effective research must be conducted to manufacture products that are suitable for the respective regions. It is necessary to implement hydropower projects, and measures will be taken to supply electricity to respective states. As electricity is essential for social development, hydropower projects that will not harm the environment must be implemented. As water is the most vital need in daily lives, measures must be taken to prevent excessive tapping of underground water in regions that receive little rain as it can worsen the shortages of water. Requests have been made to resume banking operations, and security measures will be taken as much as possible. As healthcare services of the public are important, measures must be taken to enable healthcare workers to return to their work, and action must be taken against those who put pressures on them in accordance with the law. —MNA/GNLM

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