Grapevine farming in NyaungU Township thriving

Grapevine farming is prospering in Nyaung U Township, Mandalay Region, with high yield. The growers are expecting a good price at the harvest time, U Aye Ko who farms grape vines on an-acre and a half said.
There is no local origin and over 40 foreign origins are cultivated. They can be grown everywhere with an abundant irrigation supply. The climate-resilient grape varieties are chosen in the regions for a trial run. Ko Min Set Paing from Yamethin elaborated on how he shares know-how of grape vine faring methods regarding lucrative grape varieties.
A farm owner said I contacted him to start cultivating grapes of Italy origin No 3. I bought one grape seedling for K2,000, including delivery fee to the farm.  The plant spacing is six feet. Buddings occur in ten months. About five visses of grapes can be harvested per plant for the first time. Three to five-year-old grape vine can produce about 15-20 visses, a farmer who starts grape farming expressed his expectation for a high price.
The grapevines are perennial plants from 20-30 years. It can be harvested every four months. During the budding time, adequate irrigation is required. Grapes should be harvested when it is ripe. There are about 10 farmers who commenced the grapevine farming. The prices vary depending on the producing areas and grape varieties. Black Queen and Italy grape varieties are seen in Latpanchaypaw and Thittaung village-tracts in the township. The yield is pretty good in the first year so growers hope for good price. — Dipalin/EM

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