Kyaukpadaung tomato sells in Kyaukpadaung, Myingyan, Pakokku markets

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Tomatoes from Kyaukpadaung township are sent not only to the Kyaukpadaung market but also to Pakokku, Nyaung-U and Myingyan markets.

Tomatoes cultivated using underground water are being harvested and sold in Kyaukpadaung township, Mandalay region. The tomato prices fetched K350 per viss, said U Tin Tun Aung, a tomato grower.
“In Kyaukpadaung township, more than 30 villages cultivated tomato plants using underground water. The local farmers are giving priority to grow strong tomato species that can withstand strong weather conditions. Quick to germinate and grow, tomato seeds are best sown for 20 days. Then, the nursery tomato plants are transplanted to the ground. The plants start to bloom and bear fruits after one month,” said U Naing Tin, a tomato grower from Mokgon village.
Tomatoes from Kyaukpadaung township are sent not only to the Kyaukpadaung market but also to Pakokku, NyaungU and Myingyan markets.
The tomato traders come to buy the tomatoes in the farmland. The tomatoes are priced for K350 per viss, which is a reasonable price for local farmers, according to the local growers. — Ko Htein (KPD)/GNLM

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