MMPO announces 200-acre film city project on Yangon-Mandalay Expressway

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Photo depicts MMPO members at the film city project area.

According to the Myanmar Motion Pictures Organization (MMPO), film producers, companies, cinema owners, and entrepreneurs with an interest in the film industry are invited to participate in implementing a film city project.
Academy Aung Lwin (San Shwe Maung), an actor-turned-director and patron of the MMPO, announced that the film city will be constructed on a 200-acre site located near the 20/4 milepost on the Yangon-Mandalay expressway.
“This film city will feature large sets, recording studios, and film setting studios. It will also include lounges for actors, actresses, and crew members, as well as mini cinemas and restaurants and bistros. Our aim is to accommodate nearly four or five film crews working simultaneously in one location. Additionally, we will provide essential facilities for those interested in learning filmmaking, editing, and production,” stated U Aung Lwin.
In the past, a total of 32 film yards such as British Burma, A-1, Thu Khu Ma, Nyunt Myanmar, Thar Du and Shwe Mann in Yangon to allocate filming works. Later, film production crews take positions at the rented houses and plots to conduct film production processes. — ASH/ TRKM

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