Myanmar Chargé d’Affaires attends 36th ASEAN-US Dialogue

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The 36th ASEAN-US Dialogue in progress at US Department of State.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reported that U Thet Win, Myanmar Chargé d’Affaires ad interim of Myanmar Embassy in Washington, the United States of America, attended the 36th ASEAN-US Dialogue held at the US Department of State on 24 May.
The Myanmar Chargé d’Affaires ai discussed development of Myanmar and cooperation with ASEAN in providing humanitarian assistance to Myanmar, as outlined in the five-point consensus.
Additionally, U Thet Win attended related meetings and participated in a working lunch hosted by the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific Region.
During the meeting, senior officials reviewed ASEAN-US strategic partnership cooperation, including the progress of implementing the “Plan of Action to Implement the ASEAN-US Strategic Partnership (2021-2025)” and the “Plan of Action Annex to the ASEAN-US Comprehensive Strategic Partnership”.
They also exchanged views on potential arenas of cooperation in maritime security, education, business and trade cooperation, green economy, addressing unconventional challenges, technical partnership, sustainable development, digital economy, infrastructural development, and climate change issues, aiming to further strengthen the ASEAN-US Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Regional and international developments were also discussed.
The meeting was co-chaired by Mr Daniel Kritenbrink, the Assistant Secretary for East Asia and Pacific Region at the US Department of State, and Mr Sidharto R Suryodipuro, Deputy Minister of Indonesia. It was also attended by senior officials from ASEAN Member States, the Deputy Secretary-General of ASEAN for the ASEAN Political-Security Community, and the US Permanent Representative to ASEAN. — ASH/TMT

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