Mon State to showcase Mon traditional customs, cultural heritage

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A Mon cultural troupe is performing its traditional dance.

According to the Mon State government, Mon’s traditional customs and cultural heritage of Mon nationality will be displayed and exposed so as not to lose their traditions.
Mon State Chief Minister U Aung Kyi Thein said that the Mon nationality has their own cultures, traditions and traditional customs, and they want to make sure the youths heritage these traditions at the cultural preservation meeting and prevent the loss of the cultural heritage traditions and customs of Mon State. Moreover, he added that cooperation is needed between Mon ethnic literature and cultural troupes and the Ministry of Ethnic Affairs since all these Mon cultural customs and cultural heritage are a source of pride and treasure for Mon youths. There will reportedly be cooperation with the Mon State government, the Ministry of Ethnic Affairs, the National University of Arts and Culture, and the ethnic, literature and cultural troupes to improve the knowledge of the Mon youths and to be widely known of Mon traditional cultures, ancient traditions and beliefs among the citizens. — ASH/TRKM

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