One truck driver was tested COVID-19 positive when the health staff from the public health department conducted health checks at Shwegu town lower junction collective checkpoint in Kachin State on 29 June.
The health staff have been conducting COVID-19 tests on all 73 drivers and their assistants from 35 trucks with the use of RDT (Rapid Antigen Diagnostic Test Kit). The RDT can provide results within 30 minutes.
The driver living in Aungmyaythazan township, Mandalay region was tested COVID-19 positive after running RDT.
The Shwegu township free funeral service society transported the COVID-19 confirmed driver to the township public hospital (temporary treatment centre) to receive the medical treatment.
The authorities are having RDT tests conducted on the truck drivers and their conductors at Shwegu town lower junction collective checkpoint using the RDT test.
Then, three drivers were tested positive as of 30 June.
So far, those three COVID-19 confirmed patients are in good health condition and receiving medical treatment at the public hospital, according to Township Committee for Control and Emergency Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). — Township IPRD/GNLM
One truck driver tested positive for COVID-19 in Shwegu town
- July 01, 2021
- 690