False news about gold prices has been circulating online. Therefore, people should only believe official announcements, said Yangon Region Gold Entrepreneurs Association Chairman U Myo Myint.
He was responding to news that an internet user wrote a post on a social media Facebook group that the gold price had risen to K4 million, which drew some attention on 13 February.
“We have made daily announcements on the official prices as well as on the digital platform UAB Pay and CB’s One Pay by connecting with banks,” said U Myo Myint. He urged the public not to fall for such false news.
“Respective government departments have been dealing with the spread of rumours. We are just making sure that the public should only believe official announcements, but the departments are dealing with the management,” he said.
The closing price of premium gold announced by the YGEA on 13 February at 2:30 pm was K3.645 million. — Htet Oo Maung/ZS/ED
YGEA chair urges trust in official gold price announcements amid online misinformation
- February 14, 2024
- 136