In a historic moment on 15 October 2015, the entire populace of Myanmar, comprising various ethnic nationalities, achieved a momentous milestone by signing the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). The NCA represented an ardent commitment to usher in an era of enduring peace for the nation, heralding the cessation of hostilities and armed conflicts in all their manifestations.
The NCA garnered resounding support from not only the diverse populace of Myanmar but also from global organizations and communities worldwide. On this momentous day, representatives from the government, the Hluttaw (Parliament), the Tatmadaw, and various ethnic armed organizations affixed their signatures to the agreement, witnessed by diplomats from China, India, Japan, Thailand, the United Nations, and local observers.
Understanding that harbouring hatred can lead to the detriment of the country, it is imperative for all stakeholders to unite in the pursuit of durable peace for the collective benefit of the people. The government has made a steadfast commitment to advance towards this objective, urging all parties to work together without suspicion or animosity. Ethnic armed organizations, too, must engage in peace discussions, discarding past grievances and resentments.
For those who have experienced life in a conflict-ridden environment, the yearning for peace and stability is profound. Armed groups, in particular, comprehend the manifold disadvantages of living in a state of perpetual unrest. A glance at the world stage reveals the stark contrast between peaceful and prosperous nations and those marred by discord and instability.
Therefore, the time has come for all Myanmar citizens, armed or unarmed, to seize the opportunity to build a unified nation grounded in democratic and federal principles, ensuring a brighter future for both the present and future generations. It is never too late to embark on the path of peace and nation-building.
Myanmar, a beloved motherland, extends its loyalty to all its citizens, regardless of ethnicity. In return, all citizens, including diverse ethnic groups, must reciprocate this loyalty by joining hands in the nation-building endeavours that will span generations. The profound truth that peace can mould the destiny of a nation must be etched in the hearts of every citizen.
Actually, the motherland of Myanmar is loyal to all citizens. So, all citizens including ethnic nationalities have to reciprocally be loyal to the motherland of Myanmar. They all have to firmly join hands in nation-building endeavours to improve generation to generation. Everybody needs to understand that peace can shape everything and the future of the nation.
Shape the nation with durable peace for new generations
- October 15, 2023
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