Terrorist bomb attacks accelerated in regions, states

bomb 1 sskm

Terrorists are accelerating bomb attacks to state-owned buildings, houses of the people and public places across the countries.
On 9 May, ward administration office in Sangyoung Township, Northern District office of the Department of Road Transport Administration in Insein Township, the Township development office in Muse, near the fence of “Ingyin Myaing Seezar” restaurant in Twantay, the Township Power Sub-station in Pyigyidagun Township in Mandalay, No (1) Basic Education High School in Thanlyin Township, Traffic police rest room at the corner of Waizayantar road and Thanthuma road, the house of a resident in Swa, Yedashe Township in Bago Region, township development office in Loikaw, Kayah State, Myauksee police station in Kalay in Sagaing Region, traffic control room between Pinlone road and U Wisara road in Dagon Myothit (South) and the Mandalay District Road Transport Department in Mahaaungmye Township, were attacked with grenade, homemade mines and homemade guns. In the explosion in Mayaaungmye Township, 4 innocent civilians were wounded and under the medical treatment in Tatmadaw hospital.
Security forces also had to deactivate the homemade mines set up in the compound of a resident in Kyaukse Township, Mandalay Region, in front of “Thawtasanlet” restaurant and the “Taung Kwe” pagoda in Loikaw, Kayah State.
It is reported that security forces are investigating to identify the perpetrators to take effective action against them under the law.—MNA

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